Skoop is the app for finding and booking all your favorite beauty and wellness services in a single place.
Find every -ist on your list
Hair stylist, colorist, facialist, acupuncturist, cosmetic dentist…you name it, we’ve got it—all in one place.
Curated by members, vetted by experts
Services are recommended by a community of like-minded members who know what’s worked for them and want to share it. Did we mention that a board of experts vets all the recommendations, too? We wouldn’t lead you astray.
What our Members are Saying
“Skoop has the scoop on the best beauty treatments in NYC.”
“After years of having to wait six months to see my dermatologist, Skoop was able to not only find me the best derm in NYC, but one that is reliable and readily available.”
“Skoop has become my trusted channel for booking because I know my choices have been vetted by the best.”
“I grew up in NYC and never made it to Warren Tricomi. Thanks to Skoop, I was able to book my first haircut in a year—and it’s stunning.”